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Instructor: Ms. Zaleski

Mondays 5:30-7:00

No class on a holiday Monday or during tech week. See below for alternate dates.

Improv is about making choices. Through character and storytelling, we create new worlds. In improv you can be anything, anybody... but above all, be a good partner: remember to give and take with equal intensity.  

As the class has grown in popularity, we have split into two groups - one for those who may be newer to improv and are working on skills, and one for those ready to perform. Both groups will meet at the same time to start, but we may split later in the year. Improv 1 is based in skill-development and ensemble building. Students may repeat either Improv class. Improv 2 is our performance group. Placement to be determined by Ms. Zaleski.  

Students are asked to come on time and ready to play. This means dressing comfortably, sharing your ideas, listening to others, asking questions, and trying to be a good partner. Phones should be put away. Explore new techniques and challenge yourself to grow. Take a risk!


Performances are required events. While every class member may not perform on a given night, all are expected to attend and assist with sales/audience prep if not performing. Members of the FTC performance troupe will be required to participate in every show. Students in Improv 1 will be required to perform once each semester. All shows at 7pm in NHS Auditorium. You are generally asked to be there one hour before.

Flex class contract

FTC is the name of our performance troupe, and members of the class are asked to give an answer when asked what it means. For example:

Find the catchphrase

Funny tough chickens

Fabulous tasty coffee

Fix the chairs

Fear talkative children

For the Clippers

Fill twenty cakes


FTC Shirts come in four colors (orange, pink, purple, blue) and students in the class are asked to purchase one, which we wear on show days. Shirts cost $10 and are yours to keep.


Changes to the Monday class meeting

THURSDAYS:  October 17th, November 14th, January 2nd

FRIDAY:  May 30th (Dress rehearsal and load-in for Waterfront Festival)

NO CLASS WEEKS OF:  November 4th, February 3rd, May 4th, MIDTERM WEEK, VACATION WEEKS (3)

Performance troupe 2016-2017

front row: Max DiMartino, Nicole Davis, Eden Zaleski, Lukas Phipps

middle row: Chloe O'Connell, Sophie Cates, James Nation, Berit Palma, Emily Coulombe

back row: Sean Doucette, Sean Denner, Hunter Torr

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